Cod with morels and Deswarte dune asparagus, crushed Ile de Ré potatoes with garden herbs


Cod filet
Dune asparagus
Crushed potatoes from the Ile de Ré (Alcmaria)
Cévenne onion
Garden herbs: tarragon, chervil and fl at-leaf parsley
Egg yolk
Garden herbs


Peel and cook the asparagus in salted water. Leave to cool in the
cooking liquid. Clean the morels. Bake these in a pan in the oven with
a generous amount of butter and seasoning.
Cook the potatoes in their skins and crush with a fi nely chopped
Cévenne onion and the garden herbs.
Fry the cod in a pan in some neutral olive oil and fi nish off in the oven
at 190°C. The inside should still be glassy.
Reheat the asparagus in a little cooking liquid with a knob of butter.
Beat an egg yolk to create a sabayon and mix in the buttery juice.
When frothy arrange over the dish.

Recipe: Iain Wittevrongel (Ten Bogaerde)
Photo: Stefanie Geerts

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